
Monday, May 15, 2006

I just discovered one thing.Something which i never thought i would be .Naa i dont have V.D like some of u smart alecks out there might be thinking.I found out i am kinda insecure.Have seen so many people through my 23 years some hav become damn good friends ,some have faded away into the mists of time and are nothing but memories whch surface like a whiff of strangely intoxicating smell and others ...............
I am an introvert and dont make friends easily, some people say that i am a snobbish bastard but i am just a biot weird.The few people who are close to me are being poached.......i mean call me childish and an idiot, they were my friends people with whom i shared my times, now unknown people are coming out of the woodwork and are crawling into their lives.I am bitter.I feel let down its stupid nothing has happened but i feel the need to go away from them.So its goodbye california .
I am reverting to my old self........the dreamer...the painter.This is the second metamorphosis, dont know what i am going to become but its gonna be interesting.....To see the new me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! »

5:48 AM  

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